Cloud Kitchen Concept

What are Cloud Kitchens?

So you have heard outlook providing you loads of storage space on the internet? Yes. Likewise, a cloud kitchen is a virtual space used for delivery-only services. They are also known as “Ghost kitchens” or “shared kitchens”.

With the advent of internet everything is possible in today’s world. At first we used to think that ordering food could not be a click away. But now, it actually is. To top it all, Cloud kitchens have taken the traditional delivery-service to another level altogether.

In a traditional set-up, a restaurant works round the clock to serve its in-house customers and deliver the food timely to it’s out-house customers. In doing so, the work load increases and it creates a big problem for the management to deal with new and recurring issues.

These issues can mainly surround but do not restrict to: food, ambiance, food safety and management. Therefore, a cloud kitchen is solely meant for food-delivery purpose. It lets you develop and maintain a digital identity, location and footprint. It gives you the opportunity to easily reach your target audience and be “Just a click away” in the real sense.

Cloud Kitchen - Operations?

A cloud kitchen is a virtual space. You will order food and it will be delivered to you in a timely manner. Having said that it also needs a space where the food has to be prepared. For that purpose, centralized food production facilities are permitted to use. These facilities can house from 10-12 restaurants, all operating independently.

Cloud kitchen facilities can also offer waiting spaces for drivers in case if the food runs late.

Cloud Kitchens in Pakistan

Cloud kitchen in Pakistan is not a new concept anymore. EZ Kitchens brings Pakistan’s first ever virtual kitchen to its prime metropolitans: Karachi and Lahore. Karachi’s facility will house 10 kitchens and Lahore’s facility will launch 14 kitchens respectively. Earn more about this exciting new venture by contacting us today.

Light on Budget

One of the main reasons of this concept’s popularity is that it is low on cost as compared to a full-service restaurant. Cloud kitchens eliminate the need for in-house operations, floor space for seating, and prevents from the high rents that come up with additional spaces for storage and parking. It also requires fewer workforce so the operational cost is overall quite low. This has allowed many entrepreneurs to make use of this ground breaking concept and be a part of an intense digital marketplace.

More Efficient

If a place is solely for food-delivery purpose then it is bound to be fast-paced and efficient in its operations. There is also an option for prioritizing kitchen needs and functions so that fastest food delivery can be ensured.

Real-time Adaptability

Since this concept sprung up from technological world, it means that that the cloud kitchens have the ability to change and adapt to user demands. It can optimize processing, scheduling and its model based on consumer behavior. It can also change the menu in accordance with the consumer interest.



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How to Get Benefits of Cloud Kitchen in Pakistan